image of twyne logo created by jorge zamora



image of twyne logo created by jorge zamora



image of twyne logo created by jorge zamora



image of twyne logo created by jorge zamora



new tedxboulder site
new tedxboulder site

About TEDxBoulder

One of the largest TEDx events in the world, TEDxBoulder has been a vibrant part of the community since 2010. Every fall, 2,200 eager attendees come together to experience inspiring talks from world-class speakers—so compelling that six of them have been featured on It’s a beloved event, selling out year after year.

tedxboulder logo


TEDxBoulder wanted to modernize their website while retaining the friendly, recognizable look of their old WordPress site. They especially needed to transition years’ worth of speaker info and videos—some of which date back to 2010—onto a more dynamic platform. My role was to lead the comprehensive rebuild using Framer, ensuring the process was as smooth as possible and the final site felt instantly familiar to the TEDxBoulder community.

tedxboulder graphic

One of the largest TEDx events in the world, TEDxBoulder has been a vibrant part of the community since 2010. Every fall, 2,200 eager attendees come together to experience inspiring talks from world-class speakers—so compelling that six of them have been featured on It’s a beloved event, selling out year after year.

tedxboulder logo


TEDxBoulder wanted to modernize their website while retaining the friendly, recognizable look of their old WordPress site. They especially needed to transition years’ worth of speaker info and videos—some of which date back to 2010—onto a more dynamic platform. My role was to lead the comprehensive rebuild using Framer, ensuring the process was as smooth as possible and the final site felt instantly familiar to the TEDxBoulder community.

tedxboulder graphic

Key Acheivements

Seamless Content Migration

  • Successfully imported an extensive library of talks and speaker data—from short video clips to multi-paragraph bios—without losing any key information.

  1. Preserving the Original Aesthetic

    • Kept the essential design and structure of the old site, so returning visitors felt right at home navigating the new platform.

  1. Transition to Framer

    • Moved the entire site from a Divi-based WordPress framework into Framer with precision, respecting the original content structure and style.

  1. Minimal Revisions

    • Wrapped up the project efficiently with only minor tweaks needed, resulting in a polished, fully functional live site.


tedxboulder old site

Seamless Content Migration

  • Successfully imported an extensive library of talks and speaker data—from short video clips to multi-paragraph bios—without losing any key information.

  1. Preserving the Original Aesthetic

    • Kept the essential design and structure of the old site, so returning visitors felt right at home navigating the new platform.

  1. Transition to Framer

    • Moved the entire site from a Divi-based WordPress framework into Framer with precision, respecting the original content structure and style.

  1. Minimal Revisions

    • Wrapped up the project efficiently with only minor tweaks needed, resulting in a polished, fully functional live site.


tedxboulder old site

The Challenges

  • Cleaning Legacy Content
    Transitioning old WordPress exports—particularly from Divi—meant dealing with lots of inconsistencies. This required meticulous prep to ensure all speaker bios, talk descriptions, and videos were accurate before import.

  • Manual Data Import
    Some Divi-specific elements weren’t easily exportable, so I had to manually re-create or copy details. This process demanded a keen eye to ensure every last piece of info made it to the new site.


image of tedxboulder live site

By preserving its signature aesthetic and porting over every talk and speaker profile, we managed to respect the rich tradition TEDxBoulder has built over the past decade and a half. The positive reception confirms we stayed true to the spirit of the original site while giving it a fresh, forward-thinking foundation in Framer.

  • Cleaning Legacy Content
    Transitioning old WordPress exports—particularly from Divi—meant dealing with lots of inconsistencies. This required meticulous prep to ensure all speaker bios, talk descriptions, and videos were accurate before import.

  • Manual Data Import
    Some Divi-specific elements weren’t easily exportable, so I had to manually re-create or copy details. This process demanded a keen eye to ensure every last piece of info made it to the new site.


image of tedxboulder live site

By preserving its signature aesthetic and porting over every talk and speaker profile, we managed to respect the rich tradition TEDxBoulder has built over the past decade and a half. The positive reception confirms we stayed true to the spirit of the original site while giving it a fresh, forward-thinking foundation in Framer.

  • Cleaning Legacy Content
    Transitioning old WordPress exports—particularly from Divi—meant dealing with lots of inconsistencies. This required meticulous prep to ensure all speaker bios, talk descriptions, and videos were accurate before import.

  • Manual Data Import
    Some Divi-specific elements weren’t easily exportable, so I had to manually re-create or copy details. This process demanded a keen eye to ensure every last piece of info made it to the new site.


image of tedxboulder live site

By preserving its signature aesthetic and porting over every talk and speaker profile, we managed to respect the rich tradition TEDxBoulder has built over the past decade and a half. The positive reception confirms we stayed true to the spirit of the original site while giving it a fresh, forward-thinking foundation in Framer.

  • Cleaning Legacy Content
    Transitioning old WordPress exports—particularly from Divi—meant dealing with lots of inconsistencies. This required meticulous prep to ensure all speaker bios, talk descriptions, and videos were accurate before import.

  • Manual Data Import
    Some Divi-specific elements weren’t easily exportable, so I had to manually re-create or copy details. This process demanded a keen eye to ensure every last piece of info made it to the new site.


image of tedxboulder live site

By preserving its signature aesthetic and porting over every talk and speaker profile, we managed to respect the rich tradition TEDxBoulder has built over the past decade and a half. The positive reception confirms we stayed true to the spirit of the original site while giving it a fresh, forward-thinking foundation in Framer.




Reconstructing TEDxBoulder’s website was about more than just modernizing—it was about safeguarding a community’s history.

Reconstructing TEDxBoulder’s website was about more than just modernizing—it was about safeguarding a community’s history.

jorge zamora head of design at twyne co founder
jorge zamora head of design at twyne co founder

Jorge Zamora

Jorge Zamora

Jorge Zamora

[Head of Design]

[Head of Design]

[Head of Design]

image of black man wearing sunglasses sitting down legs crossed holding a burning newspaper
image of a stylish man wearing a beanie covered in modern jewlery
image of black man with gorgeous eyes and dreads in stylish clothing
image of beautful black woman in a black dress siren eyes holding the end of her pony tail
image of black man wearing sunglasses sitting down legs crossed holding a burning newspaper
image of a stylish man wearing a beanie covered in modern jewlery
image of black man with gorgeous eyes and dreads in stylish clothing
image of beautful black woman in a black dress siren eyes holding the end of her pony tail
image of black man wearing sunglasses sitting down legs crossed holding a burning newspaper
image of a stylish man wearing a beanie covered in modern jewlery
image of black man with gorgeous eyes and dreads in stylish clothing
image of beautful black woman in a black dress siren eyes holding the end of her pony tail
image of black man wearing sunglasses sitting down legs crossed holding a burning newspaper
image of a stylish man wearing a beanie covered in modern jewlery
image of black man with gorgeous eyes and dreads in stylish clothing
image of beautful black woman in a black dress siren eyes holding the end of her pony tail